affordable housing (442)
A Los Angeles Firm Uses Modular Construction to Create Truly Affordable Housing
… to actually apply those lessons." PrevNextCOURTESY KTGYCOURTESY KTGYCOURTESY KTGYCOURTESY KTGYCOURTESY KTGY Would you like to comment on this article? Send your thoughts to: [email protected] Residential Affordable HousingJessica RitzKTGY LatestViewpointsHow Construction Materials and Technologies Are EvolvingFollow METROPOLIS’s most compelling coverage of construction materials and technologies, from next-gen concrete to circular design.ViewpointsHow …
Are Shipping Containers the Future of Affordable Housing?
… development.ViewpointsMETROPOLIS Natural Habitat Video Wins a 2024 Eddie AwardThe winning video features a tranquil upstate New York retreat designed with Passive House principles.ViewpointsSustainability Is the New LuxuryConscious choices can lead to peace of mind, and there is so much beauty to be found in regenerative materials.
An Urban Island as Affordable Housing
… levels are going to increase. We want to advance the narrative.” Would you like to comment on this article? Send your thoughts to: [email protected] ArchitectureCitiesEquity Affordable HousingLos AngelesRetrofittingSam Lubell LatestViewpointsChairs in Space: When Design History Inspires Science FictionFilms like Poor Things and Blade Runner rely on design icons and architectural references to imagine …
How South L.A. Is Fighting Gentrification with Affordable Housing
… and InvestmentSam Lubell LatestProducts2 Books for Your Winter Reading ListThese new must-read titles unpack the histories that shaped architecture and design today.ProjectsCaples Jefferson Architects’ Louis Armstrong Museum Shines in QueensThe new 14,000-square-foot visitor center opened across the street from Louis and Lucille Armstrong's two-story house in Corona …
How Katie Ackerly Makes Sustainable Choices in Affordable Housing
… the Bay Area. Around five years ago, David Baker Architects also opened an office in Birmingham, Alabama. How did that come to be? KA: The firm has a number of people that come from the Rural Studio program at Auburn University. Principal Amanda Loper is one of them: Her family grew out of their …
A Roof for Everyone: Speculative Designs for the Future of Affordable Housing
… Development-sponsored adAPT NYC competition in 2013. Courtesy nArchitects LOT-EK's Spacious co-working hotel presents a novel concept that sees modular bedrooms converted into working areas during the day. Courtesy LOT-EK Designing Affordability: Quicker, Smarter, More Efficient Housing Now is on view at the Center for Architecture through January 16. Courtesy …
David Baker Architects' La Fénix Masters the Art of Affordable Housing
… gallery space. The site, says Souza, “shows how wonderful and community-building transit-oriented development can be when you don’t need to include parking. Instead, the ground floor can house a childcare center, a Laundro-mat, and community-serving retail spaces.” Solar water heating panels adorn one of the building’s rooftops; on …
No Such Thing as Bad Publicity? Why Clickbait is Bad for Affordable Housing
… affordable housing can be done without relying on charity. But it’s not ready for prime time, as Serenbe helped us to show. The fact is that housing is not affordable, but people deserve it anyway. We are pushing toward a third way. Our institutional partners—banks, permitting agencies, code groups, and others—really do …
A Brief History of Affordable Housing in New York City
… for housing support. Organized labor could “reconsider its resistance to nonunion labor in the below-market housing sector.” If these goals are met, Bloom and Lasner argue, affordable housing in New York could experience a renaissance, if a vertically urban one: “[It] is hard to imagine large amounts of new housing in New York below …
New Exhibition Highlights the Best of European Affordable Housing Architecture
… team reviewed some 500 submissions before selecting the 25 finalist projects. Both the Social Housing exhibition and book debuted last year before traveling to New York. Overall, the individual project descriptions are short and concise—don't expect comprehensive recommendations on how to translate European models to an American political context. Rather, Social Housing …