Christine Dong for METROPOLIS

Breakout: Advocacy 

Get Informed!

Stay abreast of proposed and passed green legislation (local, state, and federal) that affects the construction and design industry. States have websites (Example:, and some associations lobby and track these developments. METROPOLIS often highlights proactive legislation that impacts architecture and design:

Support Candidates and Campaigns

Get to know who’s representing you in your district, locally and nationally, and where they stand on green policy. Candidates like to hear from their constituents, especially if they are experts/local professionals, and there are many ways you can support them. 

There’s Power in Numbers

As individuals we can choose to take a bike and drive less, recycle more, talk about climate change, and vote. These are all great, but as designers we can also leverage our firms and our associations to make a bigger impact.  

  • Ask your firm leadership if they would support civic action.  
  • Gather your peers, work with your associations to educate, create dialogue, and form action groups. 
  • Talk to the local chapter of your professional association about setting up a climate action committee or inviting a legislator to speak to the group. Example: IIDA Northern California has a Climate Action Committee that organizes events and supports local policymakers.
  • Talk to your national chapter about supporting sustainability bills and green policy. 

Leverage the Power of Design

Designers are problem solvers and the design process is a natural catalyst for transformative change. On your next project or in your day to day, think outside the box about how you can use design to make a greater impact for good. 

If you have feedback on the Climate Toolkit for Interior Design, write to: [email protected]