March 19, 2008
The Metropolis Conference @ ICFF— Design Entrepreneurs: Make Good and Prosper
Join us at the Metropolis Conference at ICFF and get energized by some of today’s brightest minds!
Good design must be socially responsible and environmentally healthy. Join our brilliant speakers as they share their insight on the successful business ventures and personal agendas that drive each project.
This annual full-day conference on Monday, May 19 is held in the ICFF Theatre on the show floor. Stop in for a dose of inspiration, or stay for the day. Space is limited, registration is preferred:
(To register for the ICFF itself, please visit the ICFF website)
We are proud to announce the first annual Horace Havemeyer III Lecture. The lecture was established by the Education Legacy Fund, a committee of the New York Metropolitan Chapter of the ASID. As the publisher of Metropolis, Mr. Havemeyer has been a visionary and public advocate for sustainable design for 26 years. On Monday, May 19, Fritz Haeg, author of Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn, will deliver the first Havemeyer lecture as the Keynote address at the ICFF.
Conference Schedule:
10:00 a.m.
Welcome and introduction by Susan S. Szenasy, Metropolis editor in chief
10:05 – 11:00 a.m.
Horace Havemeyer III Keynote by Fritz Haeg: Things Fall Apart
Fritz Haeg, architect, educator, and author of Edible Estates: Attack on the Front Lawn, the newest title published by Metropolis Books, will talk about his current activities, and designs that transcend materiality and reconnect 21st-century humans to a primitive place of plants, animals, weather, dance, and dirt.
11:00 -11:40 a.m.
Sensible Hospitality
The Kimpton Hotels are stylish, comfortable, and leading the pack in green practices. Ron Sheldon, vice president of development and construction, and Ron Vlasic, regional vice president, will reveal the genius behind this great hotel chain.
11:45-12:30 p.m.
Laptops for Kids; Safe Sex for NYC
Yves Behar, Founder of fuseproject, will show us the OX Computer designed for the One Laptop Per Child program which delivers ingeniously designed technology to schools in developing countries, and the new NYC condom wrapper and dispenser—a sexy design solution that promotes safe sex.
12:30—1:30 p.m.
Lunch Break
Book signing by speakers Cameron Sinclair and Fritz Haeg at the ICFF Bookstore on the Concourse
1:30-2:10 p.m.
The Legacy of Isamu Noguchi
Douglas DeNicola, the Design Director of the Noguchi Museum in Long Island City, Queens will discuss the Japanese artist’s legacy, the crafting of his famous Akari Light Sculptures, as well as the licensing agreements that fund the museum’s education programs.
2:10-2:30 p.m.
Moving Toward the Future
The 2008 Next Generation® Design Competition winner discusses his revolutionary project.
2:30–3:10 p.m.
No to Child Labor! Yes to Education!
RugMark’s independent certification label appears on the back of more than 40 different rug brands, ensuring that manufacturers have complied with its no child labor standard. A percentage of its sales support education in South Asia. Nina Smith, RugMark USA Executive Director shares this inspiring story.
3:10–3:40 p.m.
Social Minded Product Design
Emily Pilloton, founder of Project H Design, a website that encourages and supports humanitarian product design solutions, talks about her vision, and the recent success of the new Greener Gadgets Conference.
3:40–4:20 p.m.
If You Can Make it Here…
Tanu Kumar, director of business services, and Tzipora Lubarr, project manager of sustainable initiatives, at the New York Industrial Retention Network speak about Spec It Green, an initiative to raise green building awareness and connect local green manufacturers with designers and builders.
4:20-5 p.m.
Architecture for Humanity
Architect, author, and activist Cameron Sinclair will update us on Architecture for Humanity, a charitable organization that seeks architectural solutions to humanitarian crises and brings design services to communities in need.
CEUs are available for architects and interior designers.
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