Get a Better Return on Real Estate
On average, 9 percent of a company’s investment is in its real estate, and 90 percent in its workforce. A low-carbon approach to interiors is a responsible way of safeguarding and leveraging both investments.
Meet ESG Targets and Win Local Incentives:
Low-Carbon interiors help lower Scope 3 emissions, helping with ESG reporting (Reference).
This in turn could unlock local incentives for green building or ”Buy Clean” programs that mandate the procurement of low-carbon materials (Source).
Lower the Cost of First Refresh:
On average, commercial interiors are refreshed every five years. By building in strategies for flexible design, reuse, and recycling, low-carbon interiors can lower the cost of the refreshes, renovations, and improvements. (See Plan for Reuse Upfront and Partner Up to Reuse and Recycle).
Find Savings in Waste:
Only 0.4 percent of all construction waste currently gets recycled. Low-carbon interiors cost less to refresh or demolish because the materials and products can be reused or recycled. Reuse of materials lowers construction waste, which also lowers Municipal Solid Waste landfill tipping fees, which are increasing each year all over the United States. (Source).
If you have feedback on the Climate Toolkit for Interior Design, write to: [email protected]