October 1, 2012
Brave New City | Working Virtually
A solution for the home office of the future that recreates the look and feel of live encounters.
Our generation has seen seismic shifts in the way we live, from shopping in stores to shopping online; from reading books, newspapers, and magazines to scanning computer screens, tablets, and mobile devices.
In the near future, there will be yet another major shift; this time in how we work. For years now it’s been possible to work from home, but it was viewed largely as a privilege, a perk. In an effort to leverage this trend and reduce costs, companies in the future will eliminate many of their offices altogether and require employees to work from home, or wherever they can.
The challenge here will be in recreating the intimacy of face-to-face encounters. Many personal computer and phone-based solutions exist today for videoconferencing from home. While these systems are useful, they don’t allow for natural interactions. What’s missing are the subtle facial cues and body language that make personal meetings so effective. A full-size system is needed to capture all of the non-verbal communications. Unfortunately few people have enough room to accommodate such a system.
The solution is the HomeWerk table and chairs by LUNAR. These digitally sophisticated table and chairs fit easily into most homes and apartments by replacing the traditional dining set. The unique chairs with active display backs allow for life-size, face-to-face meetings with coworkers, customers, and clients. When the workday is over, changing the chair and table surface displays transforms the HomeWerk furniture into any style you desire. Go from midcentury modern to Victorian with a slide of the finger. The HomeWerk furniture allows you to collaborate with colleagues all over the world, or have an intimate dinner with your loved ones, wherever they happen to be.
See the other Brave New City articles here.