October 15, 2020
To Create Truly Clean Interiors, Start with the Surfaces
How Tedlar® protective film helps interior surfaces stand up to rigorous cleaning.
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This year we have seen our share of articles on the importance of cleaning and disinfecting to prevent viruses and bacteria growth. Now it has become more important than ever for architects and designers to specify materials that can withstand the onslaught of chemical cleaners, disinfectants, and even ultraviolet light. Manufacturers also need to be able to understand the effects of these cleaners and to thoroughly test their products to find failure points. They also need to know if their products are going to create even more hazards under the strain of constant disinfection, issues like microcracking (hairline cracks that are not visible to the eye) where viruses and bacteria can live and propagate can defeat the purpose of sanitization in the first place.
This is where protective films like DuPont™ Tedlar® polyvinyl fluoride can come into play. DuPont invented polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) polymer in the 1940s, and for more than 60 years, Tedlar® PVF film has been recognized as the high-performance standard in a wide range of industries where durability in harsh operating environments is paramount. Tedlar® is the only film with decades of proven field performance, and has protected everything from building exteriors to the interior walls of aircraft. This same performance is also being utilized on interior building surfaces from wallcoverings and wallboards to wayfinding graphics, ceiling tiles, flooring, and more.

Tedlar® PVF films have demonstrated exceptional resistance to harsh chemicals without damage. It prevents microcracking, chipping, and erosion while ensuring that the underlying walls, furniture, or other surfaces maintain their original appearance and integrity. Tedlar® retains its form and strength when exposed to a large variety of chemicals, even under extreme conditions like high humidity. At ordinary temperatures, the film is not affected by most common solvents, including hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents. Surfaces protected by Tedlar® do not color-fade or show signs of wear and tear even with aggressive cleaning and scrubbing.
Tedlar® PVF films are used in laminate composite structures, which become an integral part of the final product. This means that the product will never peel or tear off leaving the surface unprotected. Tedlar® PVF films have demonstrated excellent chemical compatibility to many of the top cleaners and disinfectants used today, including bleach and peroxides. Additionally, Tedlar® films have demonstrated stain resistance and cleanability from the toughest staining agents commonly found in the interior environment like wine, tea, permanent marker, and lipstick. That durability and resistance to staining is why Tedlar® protective films are being used in interior projects across the country— from the John. R Oishei Children’s Hospital to the Marriott Courtyard at Navy Yard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.