Iconoclastic Fantastic

Cameron Diaz and Cameron Sinclair join forces on the Sundance Channel.

Tonight, Hollywood’s highest-paid actress and the architecture world’s “traveling salesman for humanitarian design” spend some quality time together on the Sundance Channel. Cameron Diaz and Cameron Sinclair star in the season finale of Iconoclasts, which specializes in unlikely pairings among pop-culture heavyweights, creative-class luminaries, and international éminences grises. (Previous matchups have included Desmond Tutu with Richard Branson, Mikhail Baryshnikov with Alice Waters, and Isabella Rosellini with Dean Kamen.)

Watching the two Camerons chat in the backseat of a van touring post-Katrina New Orleans (as you can in these three clips) is akin to witnessing the start of a surreal and somewhat awkward buddy film. Sinclair earnestly asserts the need to build dignified housing for everyone. Diaz deadpans: “Wow, Cameron. You know, dude, you’ve got to work on being a better person.” See the whole thing tonight at 10 p.m. E/P.

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