August 5, 2021
These Three Products Target Health and Wellness in the Workplace
From bleach-cleanable storage to a lounge chair with built-in speakers, these offerings from Allsteel, Carnegie Fabrics, and Samuelson Furniture are clearly post-pandemic solutions.

Personal Space
Design that targets the health and safety of workplace occupants is not new—it just looks different. Allsteel’s Radii Caddy, for example, is an extension of its existing Radii storage collection. If the first generation of mobile, drawered units was built for a post-paper of ice, the new cartlike version (with its deep trough for holding personal gear and snacks) is clearly a post-pandemic solution. The steel shell is bleach-cleanable, and users can customize it with the inserts that made Radii’s original storage so popular.

Light Therapy
This collection of PVC-free, finish-free, Healthier Hospitals Initiative–compliant textiles for walls and privacy solutions promotes a sense of healing in health-care settings by mimicking the biophilic patterns of daylight. Carnegie Fabrics collaborated with designer Jill Malek on six styles for the Halcyon Collection (Pastures, Tilled, and Grasslands for privacy; Eucalyptus, Husk, and Hillside for wall applications).

Deep Listening
What appears to be a comfy lounge seat is actually a speaker you sit in. Samuelson Furniture developed the Serenity chair and its patent-pending technology Sound by Samuelson, to enable users to envelop themselves in soothing audio. To achieve a fully immersive experience, the design has no directional speakers, and therefore no wires or visible cutouts. The entire chair is the speaker. samuelsonfurniture.com
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