June 1, 2012
All in a Day’s Work
New releases at NeoCon and elsewhere will make our jobs easier—and more fun.
The frustratingly slow economic recovery in the United States has led companies to pay more attention to the workplace than ever before. As organizations continue to cut costs, they are seeking smaller, but more dynamic, spaces. Successful businesses are on the lookout for products that will enhance collab-oration and boost productivity, and there’s no better place to see the latest trends in office furniture than at this month’s NeoCon fair, in Chicago. Coalesse, for example, will be launching several Patricia Urquiola–designed products for the “crossover” segment, which they describe as “the fluid intersections of work and life where boundaries are collapsing and creativity is roaming.” And Humanscale, a leader in ergonomic products, will continue to expand its range of high-performance LED task lights with the release of its Element Disc.
To help visitors explore this range of offerings more efficiently, NeoCon’s organizer, Merchandise Mart Properties, is launching its own workplace tool, in collaboration with Designer Pages Online, the QR Leadr (www.qrleadr.com), an iPhone and Android app that lets exhibitors and attendees easily exchange information. Here are some upcoming releases from the fair and beyond that will keep employees happy and productive.
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