March 20, 2009
Friday Links
Swarovski brings the bling to the Canadian landscape…and more.
What’s the Danish translation of kowabunga?
Six finalist’s design concepts for Smithsonian’s National Museum of African American History and Culture to go on view- Diller Scofidio + Renfro, Foster + Partners, Moshe Safdie, and Adjaye Associates are in the running
Surf’s up for Fritz Hanzen, the Airstream, and the MINI Cooper
Go to Canada for a prism break
Are we designing highways to hell (or maybe a hospital stay)?
What downturn? Take part in celebrating a vibrant creative economy in Boston
Ratner’s not about to back down. Yet.
Gallery design for tiny art
Cass Gilbert’s vision for the West Virginia Capitol to be restored
Fly the highly-designed skies with Marc Newson
Regardless of economic concerns, Toshiba’s consumer product division stays the course with its plan to go green