Made In Canada

Noteworthy designs from the north

Most Americans cherish a handful of well-worn cultural stereotypes regarding their neighbors to the north, and when it comes to listing Canada’s cultural exports, design has never ranked alongside beer, hockey, SCTV, and Celine Dion. But Canucks like Bruce Mau, Moshe Safdie, and Karim Rashid (all of whom launched their careers in the Great White North) have done much to elevate the country’s design profile, and Canada is establishing itself as a force in the industry. Furn­iture manufacturers such as Teknion, Krug, Keilhauer, Nien­kämper, and Groupe Lacasse offer well-made but affordable products for today’s flexible workplaces. And several emerging talents—including Loyal Loot, Thout, and Castor Canadensis—display serious gifts without taking themselves too seriously. Selected artisans and designers present their work annually as part of Studio North at the Interior Design Show, in Toronto. Held in the dead of winter (February 21–24), the event is the perfect opportunity to pull on your mukluks and go see Can­ada’s best for yourself.

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