November 12, 2021
Ode to NYC Returns to the Big Apple

The 16 poster designs and their designers represent the diversity and vibrance of New York’s design scene. Posters were contributed by: Debbie Millman of the School of Visual Arts, Paula Scher of Pentagram, Suchi Reddy of Reddymade, Amaurys Grullon of Bronx Native, Karim Rashid, Ghetto Gastro with New Studio, Sloan Leo of FLOX Studio Inc., Ifeoma Ebo of Creative Urban Alchemy and BlackSpace Urbanist Collective, Julian Alexander of Slang Inc., Ignacio Serrano Perez of Milton Glaser, Elizabeth Von Lehe of HDR, Toni L. Griffin of Urban American City with Siena Scarff, Liz Collins, Rich Tu, as well as firms Triboro Design, and Practice for Architecture & Urbanism.
Visitors and locals alike can see the posters on board the NYC Ferry, as well as on massive screens at the Oculus at Westfield World Trade Center, and Fulton Center. They will also be distributed to 75 storefront locations throughout the five boroughs. A full map of participating locations can be found at nycxdesign.org, and posters are available for purchase through Poster House with all proceeds going to benefit Silicon Harlem, a nonprofit that works to build digital equity in the city through access to broadband internet.
An Ode to NYC is generously supported by the A&D Building, Artistic Tile, Caesarstone, Cosentino, Design Within Reach, Eventscape, Fabricut, Herman Miller, Kohler, Pindler, Room & Board, Sherle Wagner, The New York Design Center at 200 Lex, The Shade Store, and Tile Bar. Each of these partners will showcase posters in their showrooms or retail locations.
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