February 16, 2022
Fauzia Khanani Selects Good Design that Does Good, Too

Khanani, a member of Design as Protest (a collective aimed at dismantling power structures that misuse architecture and design), founded Studio Fōr to foster a connection between good design and good stewardship among specifiers. Designers “can leverage our positions to be catalysts for change,” she says.

01 Aim pendant light
“The design allows you to adjust and distribute lighting where you want it.”

02 Digital Lounge Meeting Zone
“This was an alternative to building a conference room. But flexibility and the fact that the manufacturer employs women in high leadership positions also appealed to me.”

03 Poured carpet tile
“The tuft is recycled yarn on a PVC-free backing. We sourced it through Shaw’s available colors, then created custom layouts to reflect the client’s brand colors.”

04 Zones Sled lounge chair
“We love how comfortable it is, regardless of a person’s height.”

05 Qui ottoman
“It’s a fun, comfortable seat on casters, which permits usage throughout the office.”

06 Zones Arc Floor Lamp
“The lamp arches over the pod’s table to be used as a task lighting.”

07 Echopanel divider
“Rather than build a wall between the entryway and work area, we chose to specify an acoustic panel. This one is Declared, Red List–free, PET, and contains at least 60 percent post-consumer content.”

08 Zones Canteen table
“This table was intended to anchor a break/lunch area. The advertising agency client also uses it to lay out and review large boards for campaigns.”
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