Get to Know Me @ Archiprix – Espen Folgero + Matthew McFetrick

This international event seemed to be an opportune time to ask architectural students from around the world a few questions. Matthew McFetrick (left) + Espen Folgerø (right) Name/Age: Espen Folgerø/28 School/Location: Bergen School of Architecture, Bergen, Norway Course of Study: The program covers everything, it’s very eclectic Project Name: Deviational Space* Define your project in […]

This international event seemed to be an opportune time to ask architectural students from around the world a few questions.

Matthew McFetrick (left) + Espen Folgerø (right)

Name/Age: Espen Folgerø/28

School/Location: Bergen School of Architecture, Bergen, Norway

Course of Study: The program covers everything, it’s very eclectic
Project Name: Deviational Space*

Define your project in 15 (or so) words: Aiming to contribute to the building of socities by changing the approach from a master view to social potential

Architectural/Design influences: German philosopher Martin Heidegger and Svein Hatløy, a founder of Bergen School of Architecture

Dream job: To work in a process-oriented atmosphere with a focus on the development of communities

Favorite part of Montevideo: The chance to collaborate with different backgrounds one-on-one

Most useful phrase/word you’ve learned on the tour: “What would you like to see here?”

Favorite music to listen to while you work: Bob Dylan

Item you can’t live without: Notebook

Other than your own, what’s your favorite project at this year’s Archiprix?: Open Source Fabric by Max von Werz (England)

Name/Age: Matthew McFetrick /33

School/Location: University of Manitoba

Course of Study: Students establish their own method of design to what they’re trying to investigate

Project Name: The City, Space, and Consciousness*

Define your project in 15 (or so) words: Deals with spatial consciousness and sense of belonging explored through relationships we have with animals studied through an urban pig farm, an organ transplant facility, and eatery

Architectural/Design influences: Nat Chard, Dean of Department of Architecture at Univeristy of Manitoba

Dream job: Being part of a process-oriented design firm that pushes the idea of what architecture is or can be

Favorite part of Montevideo: Opportunity to collaborate with people from around the world and discover different approaches to design

Most useful phrase/word you’ve learned on the tour: Cerveza

Favorite music to listen to while you work: Jazz and Reggae

Item you can’t live without: Camera

Other than your own, what’s your favorite project at this year’s Archiprix?: Fishtower-A prototype for aquaculture in 2048 by Hsing-O Chiang (Taiwan)

* More information on Espen and Matthew’s projects can be found on

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