April 5, 2009
Get To Know Me @ Archiprix – Lucy Querales
A Q&A with an international competition participant
This international event seemed to be an opportune time to ask architectural students from around the world a few questions.
Name/Age: Lucy Querales/25
School/Location: University of Simón Bolívar, Caracas; The Architectural Association, London
Course of Study: Sustainable Environmental Design
Project Name: Waterfront for Chuao*
Define your project in 15 (or so) words: Growth, teach, and build on the seacost of Chuao
Architectural/Design influences: My close knit community in Maracay, Venezuela and it’s proximity to nature; my education; and social responsibility
Dream job: A job that’s more rewarding to the soul than the pocket
Favorite part of Montevideo: The chance to collaborate with different background one-on-one
Most useful phrase/word you’ve learned on the tour: Trying to identify “identity” in words
Favorite music to listen to while you work: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
Item you can’t live without: Computer
Other than your own, what’s your favorite project at this year’s Archiprix?: Evolution of a Refuge City by Shaikhaf Al-Mubaraki (Kuwait)
* More information on Lucy’s project can be found on archiprix.org
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