September 1, 2006
Greening the Ivory Tower
North American colleges and universities are integrating environmental practices into design education in innovative ways.
Conserving energy and creating healthy materials, products, buildings, and communities are essential components of good design, and the tools and technologies necessary to accomplish these goals are only just beginning to be thoroughly integrated into the curricula of many design schools. In this special installment of Learning Curve—now expanded to include both apprenticeship programs and initiatives coming out of traditional colleges and universities—we look at a handful of new institutes, programs, and schools teaching environmental principles to the next generation of architects, landscape architects, engineers, and conservators, as well as extending their knowledge into the broader community.
Click on the grid of photos to learn more information on programs at the following institutions:
– American College of the Building Arts
– Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability
– Yale University Schools of Architecture and Forestry & Environmental Studies
– Mascaro Sustainability Initiative
– Clemson University Restoration Institute
– Kounkuey Design Initiative
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