November 28, 2008
Your Year-End CEU Fix
AIA New York offers 32 credits over three days
It’s easy to forget about professional development when you’re chained to your desk, but we’re here to remind you it’s the end of the year and continuing education credits are due. To help keep your accreditation, the New York Chapter of the American Institute of Architects is offering 2008 Procrastinators’ Days next week (December 4-6) to members and non-members.
The three-day program is comprised of one-hour courses such as Intelligent Design for the “Smart Home,” Unlocking the Mystery of Doors and Codes, and New Approaches to Energy Efficiency. A total of 32 Health, Safety, and Welfare credits are available (go to as many or as few courses as needed) and there’s a price break if you RSVP by next Tuesday.
While you’re cramming in last-minute credits, don’t forget that Metropolis has its own CEU program. Online courses for architects and interior designers are available at Credits are often available at Metropolis events—on December 8 we’re offering credit at New Snapshots: Seen & Heard @ Greenbuild.
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