March 18, 2014
Changing of the Guard: Susan S. Szenasy Named Publisher of Metropolis
Susan S. Szenasy named publisher of Metropolis.
In 2006, Horace Havemeyer III and Susan S. Szenasy received the IIDA’s Presidential Commendation for their service to the interior design community.
I am a hands-on publisher. Sadly, my health no longer permits me to maintain the intense way of working I am used to. So on February 12, I resigned as publisher and formally turned the title over to Susan S. Szenasy, our longtime editor in chief. As of this issue, Susan takes my place at the top of the masthead and is now charged with fulfilling the roles of publisher/editor in chief.
In some circles, this combined title may be seen as mixing up the two distinct missions of a publication—running the business and envisioning the editorial. But I don’t see it that way. I am confident that Susan’s integrity, intellectual rigor, and ability to work with brilliant people will safeguard our joint vision for Metropolis, as well as help attract new business opportunities.
Since I hired her, 29 years ago this month, the two of us have been in agreement about our vision for Metropolis. From the beginning, we have felt that architecture and design are essential to a humane and progressive society. We have championed, when no one else did, the design community’s obligation to serve all of society’s needs, not just the upper two percent. And now, the growing interest in socially and environmentally relevant design—by a new generation of young professionals—is just one more validation of our long-held vision.
Susan’s active involvement with all of the design community has become legendary. Her relationship with manufacturers—key participants in every area of design—is valued by advertisers, sponsors, and readers. Her tough but constructive criticism has created an indispensable dialogue in an industry that, like every other area of society, is redefining itself to meet the needs of growing populations in our tech-rich, environmen-tally compromised, global-local world.
Now, as I take up my position as Susan’s advisor and move into my new role as founder, I am looking forward to realizing the pledge we made to one another long ago. Our idea of thought leadership is built on inclusivity. Today, we know that every skill—from design to manufacturing, to technical and scientific know-how—is essential to twenty-first century problem solving. We think you agree and join us in this mission of ours. I will be watching closely, with pride and joy.