December 27, 2018
Metropolis’s Best of 2018: 6 Showstopping Houses
Though it’s hard to choose, our favorite homes of the year truly push the envelope—literally and figuratively.

As 2018 concludes, we’re revisiting this year’s top stories: from products to drawings, buildings, controversies, and more. Enjoy the selection below, but be sure to find our other “Best of 2018” lists as they come online!
Out of all the building types we publish at Metropolis, houses are the projects that elicit the most ooh’s and ah’s from our editors. It’s hard to pick which ones are our favorites, of course, but the following six truly push the envelope—literally and figuratively. Take the undulating candy-colored alpine retreat Davide Macullo designed for his family with the artist Daniel Buren. Or the cascading home by FreelandBuck that creatively addresses a tricky sloped site and Los Angeles zoning codes. But don’t take our word for it: take a look at our selections below!
You might also like, “Metropolis’s Best of 2018: The 5 Objects and Exhibitions That Represented This Year.”
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