November 23, 2009
For the Record: Apple Exec’s Backyard Tiles Did Not Make the Photographer Barf
Our recent story on Thom Faulders’s backyard installation Deformscape has been all over the blogs lately. People seem particularly amused (and rightfully so) by a quote from the owner, a senior vice president at Apple, regarding his ambition for the flat surface’s vortex effect: “I wanted someone to barf when they look at it.” Well, […]
Our recent story on Thom Faulders’s backyard installation Deformscape has been all over the blogs lately. People seem particularly amused (and rightfully so) by a quote from the owner, a senior vice president at Apple, regarding his ambition for the flat surface’s vortex effect: “I wanted someone to barf when they look at it.” Well, over the weekend, the project’s photographer, Theodor Rzad, chimed in on the story’s comments page with an important addendum to the discussion:
I’m Thom Faulder’s photographer for this project and I can promise you that neither of us barfed during the shoot.
Glad we cleared that up. You can view more photos of Faulders’s vertiginous installation over at Digited Image Company. And be sure to read the original story here.
“I wanted someone to barf when they look at it,”“I wanted someone to barf when they look at it,”
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