MetropolisLikes NeoCon Awards 2022 Are Now Open
Now celebrating its 9th year, MetropolisLikes will honor the best products launched during NeoCon that represent the height of innovation, creativity, utility, and sustainability.
- Featured in Specify, our special NeoCon publication (Distribution: 75k+ print & digital)
- Featured in an online gallery on metropolismag.com for a one year flight
- Celebrated via digital coverage across Metropolis’s global digital audience of 300,000+
- Announcement video shared on Metropolis’s LinkedIn and Facebook channels
- Featured on an ad on DesignTV by SANDOW, the home for premium video programming for designers and for those who love design
- Official digital assets and seals for use on all marketing materials
- Opportunities to be featured on Metropolis’s social channels throughout 2022
ELIGIBLE PRODUCTS: You must be launching new product(s) during NeoCon to be eligible to submit. Showrooms in theMart and the surrounding Chicagoland area are eligible to enter.
Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.
Previous Winners
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