April 20, 2020
Talk, Listen, Read: 3 Ways to Mark Earth Day 2020 with Metropolis
For Earth Day in a time of social distancing, Metropolis offers some opportunities for the A&D community to engage, educate, and be inspired.
This April 22 marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day—five decades of important wins for the environmental movement, and just as many setbacks. In any other year, the occasion would be marked by events all over the world, including marches, protests, demonstrations, and yes, policy announcements.
But this year, the global COVID-19 pandemic has confined all of us at home, watching as the long-term crisis of environmental degradation forms the backdrop to a shorter-term event that exposes the most vulnerable amongst us to great hardship and life-threatening disease. Experts agree that the two crises are linked; and that this is not a year to let Earth Day 2020 go by quietly, lockdown or not.
It’s a time to recommit to action, while restrictions are in place and after they lift. As Allison Arieff writes in our April 2020 issue, we can all make a difference again: “By voting. By organizing. By ditching the SUV. By walking more. By finding inspiration in the bold acts of others. By recognizing how deeply young people feel this crisis, and finding encouragement in their passionate commitment to doing something about it.”
Talk: Tuesday April 21, 4:00-5:00pm EDT
Register here for the Metropolis Forum Webinar, and join the discussion about “Sustainability During the Slowdown.” Address questions to sustainability leaders like BNIM’s Laura Lesneiwski, who designed the first Living Building and LEED Platinum certified building in the world; WRNS Partner Pauline Souza, who is a USGBC Green Schools National Chair; CannonDesign’s Director of Sustainability Eric Corey Freed, who has written 11 books on the topic; and ILFI’s James Connelly, who oversees strategic growth for the most stringent sustainability standard on the planet.
Register now for free, the event is CEU Accredited.
Listen: Wednesday, April 22, and Thursday April 23, 1:00-2:00pm EDT
The COVID-19 crisis has emphasized an often-forgotten aspect of sustainability: human wellbeing. On Earth Day 2020, Wednesday, April 22, catch a discussion about how wellness must be central to any understanding of environmentally-friendly and regenerative design. “Wellness is Critical to Sustainability” is presented in partnership with Interface, and panelists will be Rick Cook, Founding Partner of COOKFOX; Rachel Gutter, President of the International Well Building Institute; and Chip DeGrace, VP, Workplace Applications, Interface.
Then on Thursday, April 23, tune into the broadcast of Tuesday’s webinar, “Sustainability During the Slowdown,” in case you weren’t able to catch it live.
Both programs will play on metropolismag.com, as well as facebook.com/metropolismag
Read: The Past, Present, and Future of Sustainability
Over the years, Metropolis has published several articles about the history and current state of sustainable architecture and design in the United States. Catch up on recent highlights below, or go to metropolismag.com/sustainability to stay up-to-date.
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