April 20, 2022
7 Stories to Celebrate Earth Day
On April 22, Earth Day will celebrate its 52nd anniversary. First championed by Senator Gaylord Nelson and Congressman Pete McCloskey, the nationwide event immediately provided a voice to the then-fledgling environmental movement. By 1990 it had gone global. Metropolis, founded about a decade after Earth Day itself, has always made sustainability a foundational piece of its makeup, chronicling the growth and evolution of the green movement, and advocating for designers—from product creators to city planners—to shift their practices to help save our planet. Below are just a few examples of our recent coverage, which explore the scope and nuance of our deepening environmental crisis, question our damaging status quo, and chronicle the endlessly inventive ways designers are working to make things better.
Is it Time to Redesign Earth Day?
Remembered for sparking federal environmental protection programs, the event was gradually co-opted by the very interests it was meant to oppose. In its 50th year, can we reimagine Earth Day?
Why the Building Sector May Be Humanity’s Best Hope for Averting Catastrophic Climate Change
Architects have enormous sway in specifying building materials and modes of operation; they also understand the political, budget, and client-education barriers to executing zero-carbon designs better than anyone.
Why Interior Designers Must Fight Climate Change
New studies show that interior designers can have a much bigger impact on climate change than they ever imagined.
A New Idea in Architecture? No New Buildings
The energy already embodied in the built environment is a precious unnatural resource. It’s time to start treating it like one.
Low Cost, High Impact: The Drawdown Review Suggests That Architects Move Toward Scalable Climate Solutions
Climate change expert Jesse M. Keenan analyzes the The Drawdown Review‘s recommendations for architects and designers.
A New Concept for Good Architecture: Embodied Justice
As the social justice movement thrives and the concept of embodied carbon shifts the climate conversation, architects and designers are reexamining the deep impact of their work.
Humans Must Be Displaced From the Center of Design
In probing the relationship between humans and nature, two major exhibitions question the very foundations of design practice.
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Biophilia: Design Powered by Nature
In the latest episode of Deep Green: Deep Cut, Bill Browning and Katie Ryan of Terrapin Bright Green explore the science of biophilic design and its transformative impact on the built environment.
How Can Designers Listen to Water?
Funded by architectural nonprofit re:arc institute, Latin and Central American practices are designing with water to create urban spaces for planetary well-being.
Carlo Ratti Calls for a Circular Architecture Biennale
The curator invites participants to reduce waste and integrate natural systems through a new circularity manifesto.