These 15 Must-Reads Will Prepare You for 2024

We’ve gathered some of our best 2023 articles to inspire, provoke, and galvanize you for the year ahead.

The 15 must-reads below are a great way to get ready for all that 2024 might bring, but not because they are clairvoyant (although there are some futuristic nuggets in there). It’s because they are full of questions, possibilities, and provocations.

Taken together, these articles probe the relationship of architecture and design practice with the world at large—drawing connections between in-profession debates and external crises. If you haven’t read the articles yet, they might spark new revelations for you. If you’re revisiting them, perhaps they will lead you to fruitful introspection.

Here’s to a healthy, challenging, regenerative 2024 for us all! Happy New Year!


Non-Designers Take Design Into Their Hands

Architecture for the Rich and Famous

The Tough Path to a Low-Carbon, Circular Built Environment

Making Architecture and Design More Just

Bonus: 3 Resources and Guides from METROPOLIS

Non-Designers Take Design Into Their Hands

When pop stars, minority communities, and government officials start adopt the language of architecture and design for their purposes, strange things begin to happen.

Lana del Rey sends hordes of fans hunting for forgotten episodes of Los Angeles’ urban history. LGBTQ+ communities reinvent what a bar can be. New York City Officials ban “angular,” “bubble,” and “graffiti-like” fonts in cannabis packaging and retail. Is there something for professional architects and interior designers to learn from this phenomenon? You decide.

Architecture for the Rich and Famous

“Beautiful buildings have rich patrons? What a surprise! Their pocketbooks bend the purpose of architecture to their own ends? That’s just the way of the world!”

The ravenousness of late stage capitalism continues unabated—sometimes donning the sheep’s clothing of philanthropy, livability, and harmony. The power of the haves over the have-nots is visible everywhere, but I take heart in the words of the writer Ursula Le Guin: “We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings.”

The Tough Path to a Low-Carbon, Circular Built Environment

We have a simple dream—buildings where nothing is wasted and no one is harmed, where everything living thrives.

Hundreds of roadblocks litter the path to that dream, and scores of questions have no satisfactory answer. But that doesn’t deter many architects, interior designers, product designers, manufacturers who continue to push past every obstacle. Detroit is a laboratory for adaptable reuse; Milan Design Week was all agog for circular strategies. So many projects in 2023 achieved the impossible that I can’t wait for what 2024 will bring.

Making Architecture and Design More Just

The entire system of architecture and design—how professionals are created, projects are realized, and spaces impact people—is uneven, with bright spots for some people and dark corners for others.

Throughout 2023, METROPOLIS continued to learn how people cope with the system’s inequities and are working to correct its oversights and injustices. In addition to the three excellent pieces linked below, you might also appreciate Magda Mostafa’s work on design for autism as well as Chris Laing’s bridges to the deaf community.

Bonus: 3 Resources and Guides from METROPOLIS

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